Checking for embedded fonts in a PDF file 1) Open file in Adobe Acrobat or Reader 2) Click on the "File" menu option 3) Click on "Document Properties" 4) Click on the "Fonts" tab 5) Each font listed should have "(Embedded) or "(Embedded Subset)" next to the font name For converting Word to PDF, Use the attached acm.joboptions distiller settings as the default distiller 1) open distiller and click on settings 2) Choose "Add Adobe PDF Settings" 3) Choose the attached ACM.joboptions file; save 4) change the default setting option to "ACM"; exit distiller or 1) click on the Word “Acrobat” tab at the top of the window. 2) Click on the “Preferences” option; the “Acrobat PDFMaker” window should appear. 3) On the “Settings” tab, click on the Advanced Settings” link 4) You are now in the Acrobat Distiller settings window. 5) In the “General” tab, the resolution should be set to 600 DPI. Both “Embedded thumbnails” and “Optimize for fast web view” should be checked 6) On the “Images” tab, Downsample should be off for all image types 7) On the “Fonts” tab, both “Embed all fonts” and “Subset embedded fonts when percent of characters used is less than 100%” 8) No other options need to be saved, so you can press “OK” 9) Proceed to create the PDF. For LaTeX conversions, please consult ACM's FAQ item number 14: