

18th International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium

IDEAS '14 would be hosted by the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto: ISEP

Porto, Portugal .

July 7-9, 2014


Getting to ISEP click here,
and then the ISEP menu bar and then look for the 'Getting there' and the campus map pages. Most of the sessions would be in Auditorium E is in building E, entrance Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida; it can be virtually visited here Registration desk is near the auditorium.



Call For Participation


The annual IDEAS conference is a top international forum for data engineering researchers, practitioners, developers, and application users to explore revolutionary ideas and results, and to exchange techniques, tools, and experiences.

We invite participation of all interested in this meeting which provides an insight into original research contributions relating to all aspects of database engineering defined broadly, and particularly topics of emerging interest describing work on integrating new technologies into products and applications, on experiences with existing and novel techniques, and on the identification of unsolved challenges.


About the location: Porto named Best European Destination 2014!


Porto was elected for the second time the "Best European Destination" of the year, by the European Consumers Choice (http://vimeo.com/atmosaerialfilming/portoebd2014).


Targeted Sessions


This year, we have organized the following special tracks along with the main event(General pool). For details of a track, please consult the repective web page below.

Business Intelligence and Data Mining applications


Cloud Based Solutions


Knowledge Management Challenges in Crowdsensing Applications


Data Preparation for Data Mining


Web and Text Intelligence



Important Dates

 March 24, 2014: Papers submission deadline 
April  7, 2014: Extended deadline

Click CF Grad Poster for graduate student poster call.
May 19, 2014: Notification of acceptance June 9, 2014: Camera-ready deadline June 22, 2014: Camera-ready Extended deadline

Invited Speakers



Conference Publication

The conference proceedings will be published by ACM; the ISBN assigned by ACM to IDEAS14 is: 978-1-4503-2627-8
A version of the proceedings to be distributed to the conference attendees would be prepared by BytePress.



Organized by

Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto: ISEP; ISEC, Coimbra, Portugal, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada; with the cooperation of ACM, BytePress.org and ConfSys.org

General Chair: Jorge Bernardino, CISUC-Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, Portugal

Program Co-Chairs: Ana Almeida, ISEP, Porto, Portugal; Bipin C. Desai, Concordia University, Canada

Publicity Chair: Elsa Ferreira Gomes,ISEP, Porto, Portugal



IDEAS14 Program Committee