18th International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium

IDEAS '14 would be hosted by the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto: ISEP

Porto, Portugal .

July 7-9, 2014



Track: Web and Text Intelligence


Web and text intelligence are related areas that have been used to improve human computer interaction in general and in particular to explore and analyse information available on the Internet. Both areas benefit from knowledge, concepts and techniques from artificial intelligence, statistics, linguistic, graph theory, among other fields. Web and Text Mining are hot application areas for AI and source for inspiration for new AI methods and algorithms. The growing of social networks and Web site interactivity demands more powerful representation for Web and its dynamics, such as Graphs and Complex Networks. Complex Network formalisms are being applied not only for the Web but to approach many other complex phenomena studied in AI. Known developments are self adaptive web sites, usage monitoring, web site personalization, social network analyses, community detection, automatic Web site organization, information retrieval, information extraction, large document collection mining and exploration, visualization, usability, among others.


This special track will include relevant and novel work on methods and theories (and their applications) that help us understand the Web and how to build automatic tools for better exploiting its complex world, including potentially useful techniques for exploring textual sources and other kinds of contents.





















Submission and Important Dates

Deadlines and paper submission instructions are as in the main page - Please use the appropriate track(session developer) when submitting a paper. Please read the guides and look at the samples given in the right margins


Conference Publication

The accepted papers from this track would be included in the IDEAS14 proceedings and will be published by ACM; the ISBN assigned by ACM to IDEAS14 is: 978-1-4503-2627-8
A version of the proceedings to be distributed to the conference attendees would be prepared by BytePress.



Track Organizing Committee









Track Program Committee






























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Keio University
The Database Society of Japan



