

Grace period - Call for Papers


The deadline for the CFP is established by the organizers. ConfSys has a "hidden" grace period to help authors who are struggling with the clock! This period is usually three days after the end of the CFP; the paper for review must be uploaded before the end of this grace period. If you need this time, we suggest that you use a "place holder" by giving the details of your paper BEFORE the CFP deadline.

This would include doing the following:

- sign-up as a user of ConfSys and complete your profile, interests (if you have not done so already),
- Change to the event of interest
- Use the Auhtor>My Paper link and press Submit a New Paper
- Accept the Submission Honour Code
- fill-in in the details for your paper including:

  • title,
  • abstract (as close as possible to the final version),
  • all authors(if they are not already ConfSys users, you may 'sign them up' temporarily) - the sign up process (completing the profile and intrests) must completed by all authors ASAP),
  • keywords(at least three are required),
  • topics of the paper,
  • a file representing the draft version of your paper for review(any PDF file with fonts embedded would do),
  • optional copyright form

Note: You MUST complete the above initial submission steps BEFORE the CFP deadline. This allows ConfSys to place your paper in the auction process and hence enable the program committee to bid for it.


You may update the abstract and/or replace the file for the draft version of your paper by a finished version for review anytime during the grace period. The grace peropd is till the end of the Auction period. Usually, the end of the auction period is about three days after the CFP deadline.

You may consult the milestone for the event by logging in to ConfSys and change to the event of interest to check for the end of the grace period.


Author/User FAQ
Author Help
Grace Period
Embeding Fonts


Latex acmart.cls
ACM CCS code
Paper Preliminary
Paper Final
Paper Final: tex
PDF Final: A4
PDF Final: US Ltr
Final Source: zip


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