Fifth International C* Conference on Computer Science & Software Engineering


Montreal, QC, CANADA
27-29 June, 2012



Call for Papers



C3S2E'12[*] is the fifth in a series of annual international conferences addressing the needs of the academic community in computing science and software engineering. The objective of C3S2E is to meet annually to exchange ideas on current issues and focus on new challenges from both the theoretical and application aspects of CSE. C3S2E encourages the participation of practitioners from governmental and non-governmental agencies, industry, and academia not only from CSE but also from other disciplines with the potential of collaboration. The meeting offers particiapants a chance to broaden their insight into the mult-facets of CSE and emerging technologies while exploring R&D ideas in other disciplines as well, where CSE can make meaningful contributions.


C3S2E invites quality papers describing original ideas and new findings on applied technological and theoretical aspects of CSE or in other disciplines with potential for applying and extending the CSE horizons. In particular we welcome submissions describing work on integrating new technologies into products and applications, on experiences with existing and novel techniques, and on the identification of unsolved challenges. We consider this meeting to be a unique and important forum to discuss insights into applying and extending all aspects of computing and software engineering methodologies in novel situations.


The symposium will have focused sessions in the following areas:

  • Algorithms and Theory
  • Artificial Intelligence and Related Subjects
  • Bio-medical,life science and medical computing
  • Computational Linguistics
  • Computing Applications
  • Core Computing Technology
  • Data Bases
  • E-Commerce
  • Ethics
  • Hardware and Architecture
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Open Source
  • Parallel Computing
  • Programming Languages
  • Privacy and Security
  • Software Engineering
  • Supercomputing
  • System Technology
  • Virtual Reality
  • Web Design and Development
  • Emerging computing technologies



Invited Talks

Health: a new concept and many new opportunities in the Age of Social Media
Alejandro (Alex) R. Jadad, MD DPhil, University of Toronto and University Health Network





First International Workshop on Formal Methods for Self-Adaptive Systems (FMSAS 2012). Submissions for the workshops are through ConfSys(see below)

Please address any inquiries to 'fmsas[at]confevent[dot]net'.



Cultural/Social Events


Summer is a festive time in Montreal which is considered to be one of the top cities to visit (and live!). After its long winter, the locals are ready to take in the sun and plein aire. During this time Montreal hosts the only Foumula 1 Grand Prix in North America. June and July is also the time for Montreal's Jazz festival and the International Firework competion. Les FrancoFolies de Montréal and Just for Laughs add a light touch to the summer!



Conference Publication


The conference proceedings will be published by BytePress/ACM and would be added to ACM's Digital Library. All submissions would also be invited to publish their papers in the CINDI Digital Library. The extended versions of accepted papers would also be invited for publication in the inaugural issue of the C3S2E on line journal.


Important Dates


All the dates are given on the milestone page on ConfSys for C3S2E (accessible to ConfSys signed up users). The dates on ConfSys are the correct ones, in case of discrepancies. The following are the salient ones:
ConfSys user Sign-Up begins: Always on
Paper submission begins: 2012-01-01
Paper submission deadline: 2012-03-28 2012-04-25
Acceptance notice: 2012-05-27
Camera-ready copies deadline: 2012-06-23
Conference dates: 2012-06-27 -- 2012-06-29
Please visit the ConfSys (https://confsys.encs.concordia.ca/ConfSys) web sites for further instructions. ConfSys is used to manage all administrative functions of the conference.


Organized by

Concordia University, Montreal, Canada;
with the cooperation of ACM, BytePress.org and ConfSys.org

General Chair
Bipin C. Desai (Concordia University, Montreal, Canada)

Local Organization
Concordia University, Montreal, Canada

Program Chairs
Sudhir Mudur: Concordia Univesity(Canada)
Bipin C. Desai: Concordia Univesity(Canada)



Email contact


Submission Guidelines


Please prepare the full paper in proportional font size of 12 or 12(Times Roman font or equivalent) with spacing of 1.5 lines. The paper, for review, should be about 5000 words (15-20 pages).


The upload to ConSys should be in PDF format. Please do not use any special characters or foreign language fonts. Reviewers may not be able to open such documents. Please observe the following:




Manuscripts should be formatted for single sided letter or A4 sized paper, with spacing of at least 1.5 lines with a 2.5cm margins on all sides. Number pages consecutively with the first page containing the title, the authors, the affiliation, a short abstract from 100 to 250 words, and five to ten key words. Also, indicated all the topics for the paper from the list of topics for the conference in ConfSys. Since these topics as well as the abstract will be used by ConfSys to help the program committee members choose appropriate papers, it is essential to make them as indicative of the contents of the paper as possible.


Please see the guides and samples given in the right margins.



Submissions must be original. The work cannot have been published previously or be pending publication in another forum and submissions cannot be under review by any other forum.


It is expected that all authors accept the following statement:


This paper (or a similar version) is not currently under review by a journal or conference, nor will it be submitted to such until the result of this review has been communicated. Furthermore, the author(s) agree to abide by the decision of the Program chairs and would participate in the meeting should the paper be accepted.

The author who submits a paper is expected to inform all co:authors of the submission and has their approval.

Authors should submit only papers that have been carefully proofread and polished. Papers that are clearly unacceptable will be returned by the editor without being reviewed. Authors must clearly acknowledge the contributions of their predecessors.

Submissions will be evaluated on their originality and significance.


Though a group of authors may submit multiple papers, we expect that each paper would be presented by a separate co:author to allow for a wider point of views during the presentations and discussions. The authors are expected to upload the paper in PDF format.


PDF format Guidelines


At a minimum, basic PDF distiller settings MUST be changed so PDF files are: optimized, set to Acrobat 4.0 compatibility, all graphics are set to at least 300 dpi resolution, ALL fonts used must be embeddable. Some font manufacturers now flag their fonts to not embed. These fonts should be avoided. Postscript settings SHOULD NOT override distiller settings and page size is 612.0 x 792.0 points (8.5 " x 11"). Authors should check their final PDF files before submission to verify that all fonts have been properly embedded and subset. Please DO NOT USE type 1 (bitmapped) fonts; they do not display correctly in most PDF readers.


The program committee reserves the right to consider any paper, to be accepted as a short paper or to be presented in a poster or the workshop session. One of the authors of each accepted paper is expected to present the paper in person.


[*] C* ::= Combined|Comprehensive|Consolidated| ...
[*]Registration link under the My Account pull down menu of ConfSys.


Author/User FAQ
Author Help
Grace Period
Embeding Fonts


Copyright Form
Latex article.cls
Paper Review: tex
Paper Review: pdf
ACM class
ACM Latex file
ACM bib file
Paper Final: tex
Paper Final: A4
Paper Final: US Ltr


Co-ops & Sponsors







