The scope of the conference includes,
for the General Track, the following topics but is not
restricted to these areas in computing and software engineering.
The scope of the conference includes the following topics but is
not restricted to these areas in computing and software
- Computer science (e.g., AI, algorithms, NLP, computer graphics and
vision, networking, gaming)
- Software engineering (e.g., MSR, emprical SE, software requirements,
software architectures, software evolution, human interaction)
- Big Data, Data Analytics and Data science
- Knowledge systems (e.g., knowledge modeling, Semantic Web)
- Internet of Things (e.g., context awareness, sensor networks, Web
services, smart devices)
Below are some of the topics typically used by computer
scientists to describe their interests.
General Track
- Algorithms
- Applications
- Artificial intelligence
- Automata theory
- Automated reasoning
- Big Data and applications
- Big Data - privacy and security
- Bioinformatics
- Business Applications
- Cloud computing
- Cloud computing: privacy an security
- Compiler theory
- Computability theory
- Computational complexity theory
- Computational linguistic
- Computer architecture
- Computer graphics
- Computer programming
- Computer security
- Computer vision
- Crowdsenesing
- Concurrency
- Cryptography
- Data Models
- Data mining
- Data Preparation for Data Mining
- Data structures
- Data warehousing
- Digital library
- Distributed computing
- Expert Systems
- Formal methods
- Functional Programming
- Game theory
- Graph theory
- Human computer interaction
- Image processing
- Information Retrieval
- Knowledge base system
- Machine learning
- Machine translation
- Mathematical logic
- Multimedia
- Natural Language Processing
- Networking
- Number theory
- Numerical analysis
- Operating systems
- Parallel computing
- Programming language
- Quantum computing theory
- Reverse engineering
- Robotics
- Scientific computing
- Semantic Web
- Semi-structured data
- Software engineering
- Social network
- Social network mining
- Speech synthesis and recognition
- Super computing
- Symbolic computation
- Text mining
- Web database
- Web mining