Session 1 |
Access Methods and Data Structures |
Date: |
2007-09-06 |
Time: |
09:00 — 10:30 |
Location: |
Chair: |
Dr.Ken Barker |
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Comparison of Complete and Elementless Native Storage of XML Documents |
Theo Härder (Germany) , Christian Mathis , Karsten Schmidt (Germany) , Universitat Kaiserslautern |
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The LBF r-tree: Efficient Multidimensional Indexing with Graceful Degradation |
Todd Eavis , David Cueva (Canada) , Concordia University |
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Bitmap Index Design Choices and Their Performance Implications |
Elizabeth O'Neil (United States) , Patrick O'Neil (United States) , Kesheng Wu , Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratoty |
Session 2 |
Data Stream Processing |
Date: |
2007-09-06 |
Time: |
11:00 — 12:30 |
Location: |
Chair: |
Dr.Quang Trinh |
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Streaming Random Forests |
Hanady Abdulsalam (Canada) , David Skillicorn (Canada) , Patrick Martin (Canada) , Queen's University |
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Energy-Efficient Monitoring of Mobile Objects with Uncertainty-Aware Tolerances |
Tobias Farrell , Reynold Cheng (Hong Kong) , Kurt Rothermel (Germany) , Universitat Stuttgart |
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Stream Processing in a Relational Database: a Case Study |
Andrzej Hoppe (Canada) , Jarek Gryz , York University |
Session 3 |
Data Integration |
Date: |
2007-09-06 |
Time: |
14:00 — 15:30 |
Location: |
Chair: |
Dr.Bipin C. Desai |
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Integration of Patent and Company Databases |
Matteo Magnani (Italy) , Danilo Montesi (Italy) , University of Bologna |
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Boundedness of Regular Path Queries in Data Integration Systems |
Gosta Grahne (Canada) , Alex Thomo (Canada) , University of Victoria |
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Semantic Interoperability Between Relational Database Systems |
Quang Trinh (Canada) , Ken Barker (Canada) , Reda Alhajj (Canada) , University of Calgary |
Session 4 |
Semi-structured Databases and XML |
Date: |
2007-09-06 |
Time: |
16:00 — 17:30 |
Location: |
Chair: |
Dr.Theo Haerder |
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Structural Semi-Join: A light-weight structural join operator for efficient XML path query pattern matching |
Hyoseop Shin (Korea Republic) , Seokhyun Son (Korea Republic) , Konkuk University |
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Approximate Structural Matching over Ordered XML Documents |
Nitin Agarwal , Magdiel Galan (United States) , Yi Chen (United States) , Arizona State University |
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A Two Layered Approach for Querying Integrated XML Sources |
Felipe Silveira , Carlos Heuser (Brazil) , Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul |
Session 6 |
Adapting DB Technology |
Date: |
2007-09-07 |
Time: |
9:::0 — 10:30 |
Location: |
Chair: |
Dr.Alex Thomo |
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Managing Uncertain Expressions in Databases |
Nauman Chaudhry , Moginraj Mohandas (United States) , University of New Orleans |
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Applying Hypothetical Queries to E-Commerce Systems to Support Reservation and Personal Preferences |
Yu Zhang , Chen Huajun (China) , Hao Sheng (China) , Zhaohui Wu (China) , Zhejiang University |
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Implementing Physical Hyperlinks for Mobile Applications using RFID Tags |
Joachim Schwieren (Germany) , Gottfried Vossen , Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat Munster |
Session 7 |
Databases and Digital Libraries |
Date: |
2007-09-07 |
Time: |
11:00 — 12:30 |
Location: |
Chair: |
Dr.Gottfried Vossen |
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CINDI Robot: An Intelligent Web Crawler Based On Multi-level Inspection |
Rui Chen (Canada) , Bipin C. Desai (Canada) , Cong Zhou (Canada) , Concordia University |
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An Approach for Document Categorization in Digital Library |
Tao Wang (Canada) , Bipin Desai (Canada) , Concordia University |
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XPath Selectivity Estimation for a Mobile Auction Application |
Sebastian Obermeier (Germany) , Stefan Böttcher (Germany) , Thomas Wycisk (Germany) , Universitat Paderborn |
Session 8 |
Active Database |
Date: |
2007-09-07 |
Time: |
14:00 — 15:30 |
Location: |
Chair: |
Dr.Richard McClatchey |
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Adaptive Execution of Stream Window Joins in a Limited Memory Environment |
Fatima Farag (Canada) , Moustafa Hammad (Canada) , University of Calgary |
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Avoiding Infinite Blocking of Mobile Transactions |
Sebastian Obermeier (Germany) , Stefan Böttcher (Germany) , Universitat Paderborn |
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Scalable Query Dissemination in XPeer |
Giovanni Conforti (Italy) , Giorgio Ghelli (Italy) , Paolo Manghi (Italy) , Carlo Sartiani (Italy) , Dipartimento di Informatica - Università di Pisa |
Session 9 |
Data Mining, OLAP, and Knowledge Discovery |
Date: |
2007-09-07 |
Time: |
16:00 — 17:30 |
Location: |
Chair: |
Dr.Moustafa Hammad |
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Contrasting the Contrast Sets: An Alternative Approach |
Amit Satsangi (Canada) , Osmar Zaiane (Canada) , University of Alberta |
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Feature Space Enrichment by Incorporation of Implicit Features for Effective Classification |
Abhishek Srivastava (Canada) , Osmar Zaiane (Canada) , Maria-Luiza Antonie (Canada) , University of Alberta |
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Ronnie Alves (Portugal) , Orlando Belo (Portugal) , Fabio Costa (Portugal) , Universidade do Minho |
Session 10 |
Data Quality and Semantics |
Date: |
2007-09-08 |
Time: |
09:00 — 10:30 |
Location: |
Chair: |
Dr.John Atwood |
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Foreign Superkeys and Constant References |
Jon Heggland , Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
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On the Use of Semantic Blocking Techniques for Data Cleansing and Integration |
Jordi Nin (Spain) , Victor Muntés-Mulero (Spain) , Norbert Martínez-Bazán (Spain) , Josep-LL. Larriba-Pey (Spain) , Universidad Politecnica de Cataluna |
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An Effective Multi-Layer Model for Controlling the Quality of Data |
Carson Kai-Sang Leung (Canada) , Mark Anthony F. Mateo (Canada) , Andrew J. Nadler (Canada) , University of Manitoba |
Session 11 |
Emerging Applications I |
Date: |
2007-09-08 |
Time: |
11:00 — 12:20 |
Location: |
Chair: |
Dr.Carson Leung |
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On Transversal Hypergraph Enumeration in Mining Sequential Patterns |
Dong (Haoyuan) Li (France) , Anne Laurent (France) , Maguelonne Teisseire (France) , Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines d'Ales |
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A Framework for Outlier Mining in RFID data |
Elio Masciari (Italy) , ICAR-CNR |
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Examining the Performance of a Constraint-Based Database Cache |
Andreas Bühmann (Germany) , Joachim Klein , Universitat Kaiserslautern |
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Kruskal's Algorithm for Query Tree Optimization |
Pryscila Barvick Guttoski (Brazil) , Marcos Sfair Sunye (Brazil) , Fabiano Silva (Brazil) , Universidade Federal do Parana |
Session 12 |
Emerging Applications II |
Date: |
2007-09-08 |
Time: |
14:00 — 15:20 |
Location: |
Chair: |
Dr.Fabio Porto |
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The Requirements for Ontologies in Medical Data Integration: A Case Study |
Ashiq Anjum (United Kingdom) , Peter Bloodsworth (United Kingdom) , Andrew Branson (United Kingdom) , Tamas Hauer (United Kingdom) , Richard McClatchey (United Kingdom) , Kamran Munir (United Kingdom) , Dmitry Rogulin (United Kingdom) , Jetendr Shamdasani (United Kingdom) , University of the West of England, Bristol |
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An SLA-enabled Grid Data Warehouse |
Rogério Luís de Carvalho Costa (Portugal) , Pedro Furtado (Portugal) , Universidade de Coimbra |
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A Theoretical Framework for Customizable Web Services Description, Discovery and Composition |
Omar Boucelma (France) , Yacine Sam (France) , Universite d'Aix-Marseille III |
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A Web Database Security Model Using the Host Identity Protocol |
Zhu Xueyong (China) , J. William Atwood (Canada) , University of Science and Technology of China |
Session 13 |
DB Technology |
Date: |
2007-09-08 |
Time: |
15:40 — 17:00 |
Location: |
Chair: |
Dr.Todd Eavis |
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Multiple Entry Indexing and Double Indexing |
Victor de Almeida , Ralf Güting (Germany) , Christian Düntgen (Germany) , Fernuniversitat Gesamthochschule Hagen |
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An Extensible and Personalized Approach to QoS-enabled Service Discovery |
Le-Hung Vu (Switzerland) , Fabio Porto (Switzerland) , Karl Aberer (Switzerland) , Manfred Hauswirth (Ireland) , Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne |
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A Generalized Model for Mediator Based Information Integration |
Ali Kiani Tallaei (Canada) , Nematollaah Shiri (Canada) , Concordia University |