17th International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
October 9-11, 2013
Call For Participation
The annual IDEAS conference is a top international forum for data engineering researchers, practitioners, developers, and application users to explore revolutionary ideas and results, and to exchange techniques, tools, and experiences. This year IDEAS has renewed its structure and will include a panel session.
We invite participation of all interested in this meeting which provides an insight into original research contributions relating to all aspects of database engineering defined broadly, and particularly topics of emerging interest describing work on integrating new technologies into products and applications, on experiences with existing and novel techniques, and on the identification of unsolved challenges.
Important Dates
May 28, 2013: NEW Papers submission deadline Aug 5, 2013: Notification of acceptance Aug 30, 2013: Deadline for Early Registration Sept 15, 2013: Camera-ready deadline
Final Program with abstract.
Keynote Speakers
- Jeff Ullman, Stanford, USA: Computational Complexity Theory for Map-Reduce
- Peter Boncz, CWI and VUA, The Netherlands: LDBC: Industry-strength benchmarks for Graph Data Management
Conference Publication
Organized by
General Chair:
Bipin C. Desai, Concordia University, Canada
Program Co-Chairs:
Josep L. Larriba-Pey, DAMA-UPC, Barcelona
Jorge Bernardino, CISUC-Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, Portugal
Program Committee
Panel Chair:
Alfredo Cuzzocrea, CNR, Italy
Publicity Chair:
Sven Groppe, U. Luebeck, Germany
Sponsors Chair:
Norbert Martinez-Bazán, DAMA-UPC, Barcelona
Local Coordination Chairs:
David Dominguez-Sal, Sparsity Tech., Barcelona
Miquel Ferrer Sumsí, DAMA-UPC, Barcelona
Local Organization Team:
Joan Guisado, DAMA-UPC, Barcelona
Xavier Martínez Palau, DAMA-UPC, Barcelona
Arnau Prat, DAMA-UPC, Barcelona
- Sample
- Copyright Form
- Latex article.cls
- Paper Review: tex
- Paper Review: pdf
- ACM class
- ACM Latex file
- ACM bib file
- Paper Final: tex
- Paper Final: A4
- Paper Final: US Ltr