19th International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium
would be hosted by Keio University Yokohoma, Japan
July 13-15, 2015
Track: BIG data
Big data has become the current catch phrase for data scientist and marketeers. It refers not only to the volume of data but also the technology used to process the data collected from various sources with our without consent of the subject of the data. Furthermore, Big Data is transforming the way we think about Computing and Information Systems. It influences science, engineering, medicine, healthcare, finance, business, and all of the society itself. This track provides a leading forum for disseminating the latest research in Big Data Research, Development, and Applications, as well as how Big Data changes the way we create, deploy and use Information Systems. We solicit high-quality original research papers (including significant work-in-progress) in any aspect of Big Data with emphasis on 5Vs (Volume, Velocity, Variety, Value and Veracity): big data science and foundations, big data infrastructure, big data management, big data searching and mining, big data privacy/security, and big data applications. In this track we invite papers touching on not only technology but also issues such as ownership, privacy and ethics.
Topics of interest include:
- Big data and privacy
- Handling Heterogeneity
- Shared data and issues of ownership
- Issues of scale of data
- Complexity, and reliability problems
- Modeling issues
- Big Data and the 5V's(validity, variety, velocity, veracity and volume)
- BigData Architectures
- Cloud Computing Techniques for Big Data
- Big Data Open Platforms
- Big Data Quality and Provenance Control
- Big Data Protection, Integrity and Privacy
- Security Applications of Big Data
- Big Data Search and Mining
- Real-life Case Studies of Value Creation through Big Data Analytics
- Big Data for Business Model Innovation
- Big Data Toolkits
- Big Data in Business Performance Management
- SME-centric Big Data Analytics
- Big Data for Vertical Industries (including Government, Healthcare, and Environment)
- Experiences with Big Data Project Deployments
- Big Data in Enterprise and Government Management Models and Practices
Important Dates
March 29, 2015: Papers submission deadlineWhen submitting a paper, pl. select the appropriate track unless you are submitting to the main event(indicated by"General Pool").Please consult the guides given in the right hand margin for FAQ, submission guidelines etc.June 1, 2015: Notification of acceptance June 29, 2015: Camera-ready deadline --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note to authors who have issues with travel due to concern regarding carbon dioxide foot print, travel budget restrictions or last minute personal issues: Even though it would be a shame not to be able to meet your colleagues, we would allow the possibility of making remote presentation via appropriate pre-recorded media uploaded to ConfSys and availability on skype or chat to interact with those present in Keio University. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Conference Publication
The accepted papers from this track would be included in the IDEAS15 proceedings and will be published by ACM; the ISBN assigned by ACM to IDEAS15 proceedings is: 978-1-4503-3414-3
A version of the proceedings to be distributed to the conference attendees would be prepared by BytePress.
Track Program Committee
- Ladjel Bellatreche, LISI/ENSMA
- Orlando Belo, Universidade do Minho
- Jorge Bernardino, ISEC - Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra-CISUC(Track Chair)
- Gregory Butler, Concordia University
- Gabriel David, Universidade do Porto
- Pedro Furtado, University of Coimbra
- Le Gruenwald, University of Oklahoma
- Patrick C. K. Hung, University of Ontario
- Carson K. Leung, University of Manitoba
- Elio Masciari, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
- Ana Carolina Salgado, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
- Luis Veiga, Instituto Superior Tecnico
- Robert Wrembel, Poznan University of Technology
- Sample
- Copyright Form
- Latex article.cls
- Paper Review: tex
- Paper Review: pdf
- ACM class
- ACM Latex file
- ACM bib file
- Paper Final: tex
- Paper Final: A4
- Paper Final: US Ltr