19th International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium

IDEAS '15 would be hosted by Keio University

Yokohoma, Japan .

July 13-15, 2015



Track: Privacy-enhancing Technologies for Data Management


With the fast pace of digitalization and the coming era of big data, data privacy has been a major public concern. Privacy risks widely exist in different stages of the data life cycle, from data collection, data dissemination to data analysis, stimulating a wide spectrum of privacy-related research topics. Nowadays, data privacy is one of the most active and intriguing areas in computer science with many challenges to be addressed. Some of the challenges include understanding and defining privacy, quantifying privacy, discovering new privacy attacks, privacy-preserving data mining, privacy-preserving data publishing, and applying privacy-enhancing technologies to various emerging applications, such as cloud computing, location-based services and crowdsourcing. This special session solicits papers that discuss various aspects of data privacy from either theoretical or practical perspectives. Papers providing real-life privacy solutions are particularly encouraged.



Topics of interest include but are not restricted to:

Important Dates

March 29, 2015: Papers submission deadline 

When submitting a paper, pl. select the appropriate track unless you are submitting to the main event(indicated by"General Pool").
Please consult the guides given in the right hand margin for FAQ, submission guidelines etc.
June 1, 2015: Notification of acceptance June 29, 2015: Camera-ready deadline --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note to authors who have issues with travel due to concern regarding carbon dioxide foot print, travel budget restrictions or last minute personal issues: Even though it would be a shame not to be able to meet your colleagues, we would allow the possibility of making remote presentation via appropriate pre-recorded media uploaded to ConfSys and availability on skype or chat to interact with those present in Keio University. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Conference Publication

The accepted papers from this track would be included in the IDEAS15 proceedings and will be published by ACM; the ISBN assigned by ACM to IDEAS15 is: 978-1-4503-3414-3
A version of the proceedings to be distributed to the conference attendees would be prepared by BytePress.



Track Program Committee


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Copyright Form
Latex article.cls
Paper Review: tex
Paper Review: pdf
ACM class
ACM Latex file
ACM bib file
Paper Final: tex
Paper Final: A4
Paper Final: US Ltr


Keio University
The Database Society of Japan



