C3S2E 2016[*] is the ninth in a series of annual international conferences addressing the needs of the academic community in computing science and software engineering. The objective of C3S2E is to meet annually to exchange ideas on current issues and focus on new challenges from both the theoretical and application aspects of CSE. C3S2E encourages the participation of practitioners from governmental and non-governmental agencies, industry, and academia not only from CSE but also from other disciplines with the potential of collaboration. The meeting offers participants a chance to broaden their insight into the multi-facets of CSE and emerging technologies while exploring R&D ideas in other disciplines as well, where CSE can make meaningful contributions.
Call for Papers
Please see: Call for papers
Track (Targeted Session) Papers
As in the past, C3S2E2016 includes tracks (Targeted Session) on
current topics of interest to the community. For this year's event
the following tracks have been scheduled. Please click on the name
of the track to access the full description of the respective track.
If you submit a paper to one of these tracks, please choose the
appropriate track during the submission process on ConfSys. The
default is the main event(General Track).
Graduate Student Posters
We plan to include a session for graduate student posters: Please see: Call for Posters
Doctoral Candidate Panel
We plan to have a panel for doctoral candidates to allow them to present their on going research work and meet other students and
researchers, and obtain feedback on future research
directions. Please see: Doctoral Candidate Panel
Invited Talk
Invited speaker: Prof. Inês Dutra (Faculty of Science, University of Porto)
Title: Classification: Algorithms, Validation, and Applications
Abstract: With the ever increasing amount of data being generated in various domains, it has become urgent to use automatic tools that can process and analyse this data in order to find useful information and uncover new knowledge. One of the specific tasks of these automatic tools is to take labeled data and produce models that can be later used to predict labels of new unseen data. In this talk, we will cover some of the algorithms used to perform prediction, more specifically, classification, i.e., prediction of discrete, non-numerical labels. We will discuss the differences among the various algorithms, will talk about validation of the generated models and show how these models can be applied to support or improve classification tasks in the domains of breast cancer, cardiac pathologies, and bipolar disorder.
December 7, 2015: Start of submission of papers on ConfSys.
Read about ConfSys here!
Sign up as user anytime, unless you have already signed up!
February 1, 2016: Deadline for Track Proposal
April 10, 2016: Papers submission extended deadline (PLUS a grace period of three days!)
May 23, 2016: Acceptance notice and start of author early registration
June 24 30, 2016: Author regular registration and Camera-ready upload to ConfSys EXTENDED deadline
Please consult the guides (in the right hand margin and the web pages in the left hand margin)
for FAQ, submission guidelines, fee schedule, local information, author kit for final version
of accepted submissions.
Note to authors(except posters) who have issues with travel due to concern
regarding carbon dioxide foot print, travel budget restrictions or last
minute personal issues:
Even though it would be a shame not to be able to meet your colleagues, we
would allow the possibility of making remote presentation via appropriate
pre-recorded media uploaded(presentation with audio narration) to ConfSys
and availability on Firefox hello or skype to interact with those present
in ISEP.
Prof. Inês Dutra (Faculty of Science, University of Porto)
Classification: Algorithms, Validation, and Applications
Abstract: With the ever increasing amount of data being generated in various domains, it has become urgent to use automatic tools that can process and analyse this data in order to find useful information and uncover new knowledge. One of the specific tasks of these automatic tools is to take labeled data and produce models that can be later used to predict labels of new unseen data. In this talk, we will cover some of the algorithms used to perform prediction, more specifically, classification, i.e., prediction of discrete, non-numerical labels. We will discuss the differences among the various algorithms, will talk about validation of the generated models and show how these models can be applied to support or improve classification tasks in the domains of breast cancer, cardiac pathologies, and bipolar disorder.
The conference proceedings will be
published by ICPS(ACM) in their digital library; the ISBN assigned by ACM to C3S2E 2016 is: 978-1-4503-4075-5
A version of the proceedings to be distributed to the conference attendees would be prepared by BytePress.
Concordia University, Montreal, Canada; ISEP, Porto, Portugal; with the cooperation of ICPS(ACM), BytePress.org and ConfSys.org
Program Chairs:
Ana Almeida, ISEP;
Jorge Bernardino, ISEC
Local & Publicity Chair:
Elsa Gomes, ISEP
Local & Social Program Chair:
Bertil Marques, ISEP
General Chair:
Bipin C. Desai, Concordia University