The scope of the conference includes,
for the General Track, the following topics but is not
restricted to these areas in computing and software engineering:
following are some of the topics typically used by computer
scientists to describe their interests.
General Track
- Algorithms
- Applications
- Artificial intelligence
- Automata theory
- Automated reasoning
- Big Data and applications
- Big Data - privacy and security
- Bioinformatics
- Business Applications
- Cloud computing
- Cloud computing: privacy an security
- Compiler theory
- Computability theory
- Computational complexity theory
- Computational linguistic
- Computer architecture
- Computer graphics
- Computer programming
- Computer security
- Computer vision
- Crowdsenesing
- Concurrency
- Cryptography
- Data Models
- Data mining
- Data Preparation for Data Mining
- Data structures
- Data warehousing
- Digital library
- Distributed computing
- Expert Systems
- Formal methods
- Functional Programming
- Game theory
- Graph theory
- Human computer interaction
- Image processing
- Information Retrieval
- Knowledge base system
- Machine learning
- Machine translation
- Mathematical logic
- Multimedia
- Natural Language Processing
- Networking
- Number theory
- Numerical analysis
- Operating systems
- Parallel computing
- Programming language
- Quantum computing theory
- Reverse engineering
- Robotics
- Scientific computing
- Semantic Web
- Semi-structured data
- Software engineering
- Social network
- Social network mining
- Speech synthesis and recognition
- Super computing
- Symbolic computation
- Text mining
- Web database
- Web mining