18th International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium
IDEAS '14 & IDEAS '14P would be hosted by the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto: ISEP
July 7-9, 2014
About the location: Porto named Best European Destination 2014!
Porto was elected for the second time the "Best European Destination" of the year, by the European Consumers Choice (http://vimeo.com/atmosaerialfilming/portoebd2014).
Call For Posters
The annual IDEAS conference is a top international forum for data engineering researchers, practitioners, developers, and application users to explore revolutionary ideas and results, and to exchange techniques, tools, and experiences.
This is a call for posters by graduate students in the topics covered by IDEAS, The poster session would be held during one of the days of the IDEAS14 meeting.
The main author of the poster would be a gradate student. The advisor could be a co:author. The accepted poster would be published in the IDEAS14 proceedings. There is a limit of two pages for an accepted poster in the ACM proceedings series final version format. For the student registration fees for the poster session, please consult the Fee Schedule.
Important Dates
May 4, 2014: Poster submission deadline May 19, 2014: Notification of acceptance June 22, 2014: Camera-ready Extended deadline
The poster submission for review should be about 2000 words(6-7 pages); the format of the submission should be similar to the sample given for regular papers. (Pl. do NOT submit a poster!!!!). Accepted poster will be included in the proceedings; the page limit for such posters, in the ACM proceedings format, is two pages. Please consult the guides given in the right hand margin for FAQ, submission guidelines etc.
Invited Speakers
- Sudhir Mudur, Data Driven Approaches in 3D Graphics
- João Gama Real Time Data Mining
Conference Publication
A version of the proceedings to be distributed to the conference attendees would be prepared by BytePress.
Organized by
General Chair: Jorge Bernardino, CISUC-Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, Portugal
Program Co-Chairs: Ana Almeida, ISEP, Porto, Portugal; Bipin C. Desai, Concordia University, Canada
Publicity Chair: Elsa Ferreira Gomes,ISEP, Porto, Portugal
IDEAS14 Program Committee
IDEAS Steering Committee
Bernardino, Jorge | Instituto Politecnico de Coimbra |
Desai, Bipin C. | Concordia University |
Gruenwald, Le | University of Oklahoma |
Ng, Wilfred | Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
Pokorny, Jaroslav | Charles University |
Saccà, Domenico td> | Università della Calabria |
Ullman, Jeffrey | Stanford University |
- Sample
- Copyright Form
- Latex article.cls
- Paper Review: tex
- Paper Review: pdf
- ACM class
- ACM Latex file
- ACM bib file
- Paper Final: tex
- Paper Final: A4
- Paper Final: US Ltr