25th International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium
Concordia Univesity.
July 14-16, 2021,
Montreal, Canada
Call for Track Papers: Software Engineering for Data Science
Track chairs: Juan J. Cuadrado-Gallego, Olga Ormandjieva.
This track forms part of the annual IDEAS conference: a top international forum for data engineering researchers, practitioners, developers, and application users to explore revolutionary ideas and results, and to exchange techniques, tools, and experiences.
In recent years the interest of the research and industrial communities about Data Science and its related knowledge fields, for example, Big Data or Internet of Things, has exceeded all expectations. The reason for this is the very interesting and useful applications that the Data Science projects have for the improvement of important aspects of the human life, such as effective communication, increased productivity, etc.
Data Science challenges have been profusely researched and improved, as the discipline of Data Science is deepening its roots in the industry and society, as probed, for example by the recently published book The Data Science Framework (A view from the EDISON project), Springer International Publishing, 2020. Perhaps one of the aspects that has delayed its advancement in relation with the other issues of the Data Science is the Software Engineering techniques and tools for developing Data Science projects. This a main issue that must not be overlooked, because of the enormous number of projects that are currently being developed and the importance that quality assurance has for these projects.
Data Science projects have their own characteristics, in many cases they are very different than other software development projects and new software engineering techniques and tools must be researched and developed in order to obtain the desired high-level quality for them.
> This special track in the ACM conference IDEAS aims to help researchers share their ideas and obtain feedback as well as new ideas from their colleagues, dedicated to the new emerging field of software engineering for data science projects.
In consequence this Special Issue invites contributions on the following topics (but is not limited to them):
• Software process for Data Science projects • Data Science Engineering: principles and policies • Data Science Quality in post-pandemic era: challenges and open problems • Data Science and Big Data quality measurement frameworks • Data Science system architectures: patterns and anti-patterns • Managing Big Data waste: approaches and tool support • Data Science and Big Data ethics • Environmental sustainability of Data Science initiatives
Submission for the track
When submitting a paper, pl. select the appropriate track unless you are submitting to the main event (indicated by "General Pool").
The papers submitted for a track would be reviewed by the program committee aided by the members of this track committee. The accepted papers would be presented during IDEAS 2021 and would be included in the proceedings of IDEAS 2021.
Please consult the guides given in the right hand margin for FAQ, submission guidelines etc.
Important Dates
IDEAS Steering Committee
Desai, Bipin C. (Chair) | Concordia University |
McClatchey, Richard | University of the West of England, Bristol |
Ng, Wilfred | Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
Pokorny, Jaroslav | Charles University |
Toyama , Motomichi td> | Keio University |
Ullman, Jeffrey | Stanford University |
- Sample
- Latex acmart.cls
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- Paper Review: pdf
- Paper Final: tex
- PDF Final: A4
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- Final Source: zip
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