C3S2E '13
C* Conference on Computer Science & Software Engineering
Porto, Portugal
10 - 12 July, 2013
Final Paper Preparation and Submission Instructions:
These instructions are for authors of accepted papers for preparing the final version for publication/dissemination. To these authors congratulations!
A sample final version paper is given Sample paper.
The following information is provided to help you in the preparation and submission of your final paper as it will be published in the proceedings. Please follow all STEPs to insure the submission process is completed successfully.
STEP 1: Paper Specifications
STEP 2: Important Deadlines
STEP 3: Important Information about Preparing (Formatting) your Paper
STEP 4: Converting to PDF and Renaming the PDF file for Submission
STEP 5: Submitting a Copyright Release Form
STEP 6: Uploading the Final Version to ConfSys
STEP 1: Paper Specifications
For the sample paper, template latex class, etc., see:
The page size for the final(camera ready) version of your paper must be U. S. Letter size(8.5 inches x 11 inches or 215.9 mm x 279.4 mm) and should NOT have page numbers.
* Full papers: 9 pages, including all figures, tables, and references.
* Short papers: 3 pages, including all figures, tables, and references.
* Poster papers: 2 pages, including all figures, tables, and references.
* Posters: 1 pages, including all figures, tables, and references.
* Full papers: Up to 4 extra pages may be purchased
* Short papers: Up to 2 extra pages may be purchased
* Poster papers: Up to 2 extra page may be purchased
* Posters: Up to 1 extra page may be purchased
STEP 2: Important Deadlines
PAPER DEADLINE: Registration and Final "camera ready" version of the paper is due as given in the schedule. You must first make register to attend and make the payment for the conference before you can upload your camera ready file to ConfSys. Also, the copyright form must be approved before the deadline. Without an approved copyright form, your contribution cannot be included in the proceedings. Make sure to carefully read the instructions for preparing and signing the copyright form and follow them!
COPYRIGHT DEADLINE: A signed copyright release form is to be completed on the ACM site; the contact author would get an email from ACM along with a URL to complete the copyright form. Make sure that the title of your paper is correct and all authors have been entered as you want it in the final version.
STEP 3: Important Information about Preparing (Formatting) your Paper
The CINDI digital library (cindi.concordia.ca) are dedicated to worldwide distribution of academic results. Hence it is important that all papers submitted for publication must meet a minimum standard for both print and electronic publishing.
In addition to CINDI, the papers would be published by ACM, both in paper form(in association with BytePress) and electronic format.
Your final papers MUST be formatted to ACM Formatting Guidelines. It is highly recommended that you proofread and check the layout of your paper BEFORE submitting it to ConfSys.
Please use the ACM Word or LaTeX style templates(Option 2, the "tighter one") to prepare your articles. See:
Please apply ACM Computing Classification categories and terms. The templates provide space for this indexing. The Computing Classification Scheme is at:
Please include the following (given within double quotes: however, please do not include the double quotes) Standard
Copyright Statement and a bibliographic strip containing the ISBN for
the proceedings at the bottom first page left column of each final
version of the paper.
"Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work
for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that
copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage
and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first
page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to
redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a
C3S2E-13 2013, July 10-12, Porto [Portugal]
Copyright ©2013 ACM 978-1-4503-1976-8/12/06 $15.00"
STEP 4: Converting to PDF and Renaming the PDF file for Submission
Basic PDF distiller settings MUST be changed to:
* Optimized,
* Acrobat 4.0 compatibility,
* ALL graphics at least 300 dpi resolution (higher if preferred),
* ALL fonts MUST be embedded and subset.
* Please see "Embedding Fonts for details.
* Postscript settings DO NOT override distiller settings,
* Page size is 612.0 x 792.0 points (8.5" x 11").
IMPORTANT: Authors must check their final PDF files before submission
to verify that all fonts have been properly embedded and subset. Some
font manufacturers now flag their fonts to not embed. These fonts must
be avoided.
Renaming your PDF File for Submission
Once your paper has been converted into a PDF
file, you will need to rename your file for final submission. For
Upload to ConfSys use the convention last name of the first author in
naming this file. If the first author is C. Smith, name the file
For two or more papers with the same first author, name the files:
STEP 5: Complete the ACM Copyright Release Form
Please complete the on-line ACM Copyright Form at the ACM web-site that would be communicated to the contact author by our ACM digital Library editors
How to Complete the ACM Copyright Form (the "Form").
- Part I: Authors must select Boxes A and/or B, and sign Part I.
- Part II: Authors must select box A and sign Part II. Authors must also select Box\ B if they have auxiliary materials.
- Part III: To be signed if authors used third party materials.
- Part IV: Authors must sign Part IV. Make sure the title in the copyright form is the same as the one used in ConfSys and in the final version of the paper.
A sample of what is required to be filled in the copyright form is given here
STEP 6: Uploading the Final Version to ConfSys
Use the link "Author, My paper" to go to the list of your papers. Click on the title of the paper to go to the web page for the paper. In the section under Upload Paper File" chooses Final version to upload your verified PDF file. ConfSys will allow the upload of the file once your registration is confirmed. Please do not wait till the last date to make your registration and payments. You can replace the uploaded file for the Final Version with a corrected version before the deadline: ConfSys would replace the previously uploaded file.
Make sure that the files have been correctly uploaded by clicking on "Final Version" and "Copyright Form" links. Please note: if you are required to complete/accept an on-line copyright at an external web site (e.g., ACM) from then there would be NO Copyright Form link.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact admin AT ConfSys DOT
org. C3S2E-13 and your paper title and paper ID should be included in all
- Sample
- Copyright Form
- Latex article.cls
- Paper Review: tex
- Paper Review: pdf
- ACM class
- ACM Latex file
- ACM bib file
- Paper Final: tex
- Paper Final: A4
- Paper Final: US Ltr