International C* Conference on Computer Science & Software
Porto, Portugal
10 -12 July, 2013
Track: Autonomous and Self-Adaptive Systems
A self-adaptive system changes its behavior in response to stimuli from its execution and operational environment. As software is used for more pervasive and critical applications, support for self-adaptation is increasingly seen as vital in avoiding costly disruptions for repair, maintenance and evolution of systems. Self-adaptation may result in changes to some functionality, algorithms, or system parameters, as well as to the system’s structure or any other system aspect. Moreover, an autonomic self-adaptive system may have intrinsic intelligence that may help it reason about situations where autonomous decision making is required. The major challenges to overcome in order to achieve adequate self-adaptive behavior are related to monitoring, quality and quantity of knowledge and awareness. A successful self-adaptive system meets those challenges to emphasize features like adaptability, autonomy, mobility, robustness, and dynamicity.
Developing self-adaptive systems requires new approaches that can efficiently tackle the problems of expressing autonomy requirements, designing and implementing self-adaptive features, and efficiently testing self-adaptive behavior. The development of autonomous and self-adaptive systems must address what autonomic and adaptation features are possible and under what conditions, and how those features can be realized. In particular, major questions to be addressed include: 1) “What aspects of the environment are relevant for autonomicity and adaptation?”; and 2) “What features are allowed to vary or evolve at run-time, and what must always be maintained?”.
This C3S2E 2013 track is a good opportunity to bring together researchers and software developers interested in the opportunities and the challenges of developing self-adaptive systems. We welcome both theoretical and applied contributions related to research and development of autonomous and self-adaptive systems and focused on the following areas:
requirements engineering for self-adaptive systems; tools and approaches for implementing self-adaptive systems; tools and approaches for verification and testing self-adaptation; run-time verification; verification of non-deterministic systems; algorithms for self-adaptation and self-management; knowledge representation for cognitive systems; approaches to autonomous decision-making; modeling awareness and self-awareness; robustness and fault tolerance; mobility; monitoring; software architectures; code generation; bio-inspired algorithms; simulation; machine learning.
Other topics related to self-adaptive systems and of particular interest are: autonomic computing, mobile computing, multi-agent systems, resilient systems, unmanned exploration systems, service-oriented systems, cyber-physical systems, robotics, sensor networks, adaptable user interfaces and pervasive systems.
Track Chair(s) Emil Vassev, Lero - the Irish Software Engineering Research Center, University of Limerick, Ireland
Submission Guidelines etc. Please consult the main site.
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