Sixth International C* Conference on Computer Science & Software Engineering


Porto, Portugal
10 -12 July, 2013





Track: BioInformatics

This track is part of C3S2E'2013.


The bioinformatic track will provide a general forum for disseminating the latest research in computational biology and bioinformatics. We aim to bring together researchers in computer science, biology, statistics, mathematics and any other area, who are interested in computational problems arising in different areas of bioinformatics and computational biology. We will strive to maintain a good balance between the different areas.

The track will cover all areas of computational molecular biology, bioinformatics and applications. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:


Molecular Sequence Analysis, Genes and Regulatory Elements, Molecular Evolution, Biological Networks, Sequencing and Genotyping Technologies, Genomics, Epigenomics, Metagenomics, Population, Statistical Genetics.



Track Chair(s)

Laxmi Parida, Thomas J. Watson Research Center, USA


Submission Guidelines etc.


Please consult the main site.


[*] C* ::= Combined|Comprehensive|Consolidated| ...
[*]Registration link is under the My Account pull down menu of ConfSys.


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Paper Review: tex
Paper Review: pdf
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ACM Latex file
ACM bib file
Paper Final: tex
Paper Final: A4
Paper Final: US Ltr


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