IDEAS 2019


23rd International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium

IDEAS 2019 .

June 10-12, 2019

Harokopio University,

Athens, Greece


About Tracks, Targeted Special sessions

Essentially, the tasks to organize a track is to get some of the
colleagues that work in a given area to help by volunteering to review
and/or submit papers for the track. One of these members would be the
track chair and would be responsible for overseeing the reviews and
recommend the acceptance of papers for the track. The program chair
would make the final decision but usually accepts the recommendations.
If there are sufficient papers in a track, special session(s) (birds
of feather) would be organized.

A paragraph for the track and the track members would be listed in the
CFP and in the proceedings.

Also if the topics in the current IDEAS subject hierarchy requires
some additions, pl. communicate these to the admin.

Since a program cmt. member may submit a paper(double blind review)
and the chair of the track cmt., if submitting a paper, would do so
triple blind. In both these submissions, no names would appear in the
PDF file for the paper submitted for review,